As a school, and as a Trust, we ensure that your data is kept safe and only used for the purposes that are required by law, unless we ask your permission to do anything else with it. Below are some important documents for you to read. Copies of these can be obtained from the school office if you need them.
We ensure we have parent consent to use your child's photograph on social media or in the press. If you give us permission this can be withdrawn at anytime at your request.
Please also be advised that our current school photographer is Tempest Photography.
In addition, we are part of a Multi-Academy Trust and we share a number of GDPR policies. They can be accessed through the Evolution Academy Trust Website.
DfE Attendance Data Collection
The DfE collects daily attendance data direct from the school's MIS using an integration tool called Wonde. Wonde is contracted as a processor by the DfE for the purposes of this data collection. Appropriate contracts are in place between the DfE and Wonde, and compliance and due dilligence has been conduted by the DfE. For further information, please see below the DfE privacy notice and Q&A document.