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Filby Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

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Research shows that children with good attendance are more likely to achieve good academic outcomes because it is hard for children to catch up on work missed as they have gaps in their understanding. Children who attend frequently are also more likely to build strong, positive friendships. Please see the ‘Just One Norfolk’ website - for more useful information about this and advice about professionals you can speak to if you have concerns.


Our school day starts at 8:50am. Before this time, the teachers are out on the playground every morning to have a chat with parents, which you may find helpful. Children who arrive after this time could miss some lesson input and they also sometimes find it tricky to walk in to the classroom later than their friends. We understand that it’s sometimes unavoidable to be late – busy traffic, congestion in the carparks and taking siblings to other schools can all be an issue in the mornings. Children who arrive late will always receive a warm welcome to reassure them before they go to class. If we can support you by providing a place in our morning club, please don’t hesitate to give the office a call.


It’s important that children don’t attend school when they are too unwell to do so – for example, if they have a high temperature or sickness they need to recover at home. If this is the case, please call us every day that your child is off to update us. Sometimes, we appreciate it’s a difficult decision whether your child is well enough to be at school, and in these cases we’re happy to help. Please speak to our staff and we will ensure the right support is in place. We can also administer medication including Calpol – just complete a permission form at the office. When children appear to be poorly during the school day we will always call to ask your advice about next steps.


Class teachers will share your child’s attendance with you at parents evenings and this will be a good opportunity for you to talk to them about any concerns you have. You can also call the school office for advice, or speak to myself or another member of staff on the playground.
